Today I was sworn in as a second lieutenant into the United States Army. I had decided long ago that if I got into medical school, I would most likely go into the armed forces. The army takes very good care of its future physicians and after I'm done serving I could come out with zero debt. This will free me up for what I really want to do - mission work in Africa. I will be proud to serve my country in the military and I'm also proud to carry on a family tradition of military service. My dad was in the army, my grandfather got a purple heart in WWII and I had relatives in WWI and the Civil War.I was honored to be sworn in by a family friend and a strong Christian man, Steve Root. He served our country as a lieutenant commander in the navy. I, Matthew James Perkins, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, in the grade of 2nd Lieutenant do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; SO HELP ME GOD.
sworn in to the army by a navy guy? what's up with that picture? congratulations though, bro. just reading your other blog entries. wow. sounds like some experience up there. i need to call and catch up with you. ryan
Congratulations! Wow.
Congratulations! You will look good in uniform.
looking sharp man! the buzz and the shave!!
My congratulations as well!
Congratulations, Matthew. It is a bold thing you have done. May God help you fulfill will and nobly your future duties.
Thank you everyone!!
Congratulations Matt!
sworn in to the army by a navy guy? what's up with that picture? congratulations though, bro. just reading your other blog entries. wow. sounds like some experience up there. i need to call and catch up with you.
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