Sunday, September 12, 2010

Out in the West Texas town of...

I arrived in El Paso, Texas today. I'll be spending the next month at Fort Bliss and William Beaumont Army Medical Center for Active Duty Training and a rotation in Infectious Disease. Ever since finding out I'd be spending some time in El Paso I've had this song stuck in my head off and on, so here you go...


Anonymous said...

So happy you are there, "deep in the heart of Texas"! Enjoy your ID rotation; hope it goes great and that the learning is intense and awesome. Also hope you can find some time to go hiking and exploring and to get a taste of TX (outside of your studies). This is one of my favs too, the golden country oldies ROCK! The best to you and blessings always,

Matt said...

Hey A.J.,

I plan on doing some exploring while I'm down here - lots of interesting stuff to check out. Glad you have good tastes in music!


TLF+ said...

I was going to ask if you "fell in love with a Mexican girl" yet, but I see you've got the song posted!

My parents liked C&W and it was the background music in my childhood.

This borders on irreverent but sometimes when I'm vesting in the sacristy I hear Marty singing "A White Sportcoat and a Pink Carnation."

Matt said...

TLF+ lol.... Thanks for the comment!

Jeff H said...

Matt, I'm an occasional reader and an El Paso native (though I don't live there now). I'm sure you're settling in and have plenty of resources, but if you have any questions about the town, I'd be happy to help. I think you (as the blog proprietor) have access to e-mail addresses of commentors, so feel free to drop me a line.

Jeff H.

Matt said...

Hey Jeff,
Thanks for the offer! I have a few trips planned around El Paso for my weekends and I was thinking of checking out an Anglican church here called Church of St. Clement. Other than that, just looking for a good Mexican restaurant.


Jeff H said...

Matt, I posted and then completely forgot about it until now. My apologies. It looks like you've had a good time with your day trips and hikes--Guadalupe and the Organ/White Sands duo are two I'd definitely recommend. If you have time, I'd also check out Carlsbad Caverns; though it sounds touristy, it's really pretty amazing. Make sure you walk down from the natural entrance, if you go.

I hope you've also had a chance to check out St. Clement's. It's not my home church (I didn't set out on the Canterbury Trail under after college), but my family has lots of friends there.

As for Mexican food, it's hard to go wrong in EP. A good place to start would be this website. I don't know the guy who operates it, but I think he's right on with his rankings, for the most part.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your time in EP.