Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Importance of a Chapel

In recent days I've been reading on a couple of Anglican blogs about the fire and destruction of the chapel at Virginia Theological Seminary. Many commenters reflected on their experiences in that chapel and how it was an important place for them. Reading these comments made me realize how much of a loss I would feel if I heard that the chapel at Asbury Theological Seminary, Estes Chapel, was destroyed. Estes Chapel is a very significant place for me when it comes to God's work of grace in my own life. The stained glass portrait of Christ on the upper right-hand corner of this blog is the stained glass window at the front of Estes Chapel. In my house in Loma Linda I have a picture of Estes Chapel hanging on my wall as a reminder of my two years at Asbury in Wilmore, Kentucky. I pray for the Lord to comfort all of those who feel a great loss in the destruction of the chapel at Virginia Theological Seminary and I thank Him for the blessing He's given me in also knowing a seminary chapel which is such an important place for me.

Estes Chapel at night.

Inside of Estes, that circular window in the front is the same as the picture in the upper right-hand corner of this blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

This truly is a beautiful chapel; thank you for sharing your photos. And it is good to finally learn where the window comes from--stained glass is always so exquisite.
However, I am sure that the reason this place is so dear to you is not because of its physical beauty but because of the experiences you had there. Perhaps because this chapel belongs to a school where students are preparing for ministry, and undoubtedly, much guidance has been sought here, there is a special spirit about the building.
However, it is a testimony to the eternal nature of the Savior's gospel that the word of God has endured longer than any building--and that even when a sacred place is lost, sacred truth will endure.
God bless you also, Matt.


Matt said...

Hey SP,
You are right that the reason that this chapel is dear to me is not its physical beauty, although that helps! =) Yes, I had some pretty amazing experiences in that chapel and worshipped with many dear brothers and sisters in the Lord there. And you're right, ultimately it's not buildings that are important and they will certainly all pass away unlike the Word of God which will never pass away (Matt. 24:35).

Have a good week!