Saturday, November 14, 2009

Luther's Wonderful Exchange

A while back I wrote a post where I quoted John Calvin where he speaks of a "Wonderful Exchange," in his Institutes. So as I was reading In My Place Condemned He Stood, I was surprized to see that Luther also wrote a passage where he speaks of a "Wonderful Exchange." Here's Luther's version:

This is that mystery which is rich in divine grace to sinners: wherein by a wonderful exchange our sins are no longer ours but Christ's: and the righteousness of Christ not Christ's but ours. He has emptied himself of his righteousness that he might clothe us with it, and fill us with it: and he has taken our evils upon himself that he might deliver us from them . . . in the same manner as he grieved and suffered in our sins, and was confounded, in the same manner we rejoice and glory in his righteousness.

- Martin Luther


Alexander said...


I love the Luther quote.

I look forward to reading more you have some really interesting stuff on here. Being a member of the ALC a lot of your posts are interesting to me.

Here a Anglican Blog that I follow, mostly because their my kind of Anglicans. Which basically means they like Luther and quote him a lot...

Also I find it a little funny that for Person that claims to be a Armenian that five of the the blog you consider great Christian blogs are Calvinist.

Though I'm the same way. Calvinism just doesn't add up for me but I liked the reformed guys Piper, driscol, chandler, and the guys over at the White Horse Inn. I thinks it because these guys get the gospel right.

Also Lutherans do have a third use of the Law The Third Use of the Law.

But it does differ for the Calvinist view.

last thing here's another blog I think you might like.

Gods peace


Matt said...

Thanks Alexander...
We like a lot of the same people then. I find a lot of kinship with Calvinists but can't go all the way myself. I hesitate to call myself an Arminian anymore though because there are so many Arminians out there who have bad theology in a lot of other areas. I also like the internet monk and have read his site. Maybe I'll see you at church someday. I'm thinking of visiting the Hockinson church when I'm home at Christmas. I haven't been in an Apostolic Lutheran church since I was a kid and that was the OALC church in Brush Prairie.
God's peace to you,

Anonymous said...

If you show up at Hockinson
please let me know. You should
also visit Battle Ground Baptist
Church. Dr. Blom is the pastor
and I'm sure you would love him.

Love Jake Aho

Anonymous said...

The Battle Ground Baptist
service begins at 9:30 and end
at about 10:45, you could
very easily truck on over to
Hockinson for their 10:30
service. You will miss the
opening song and opening
prayer, which usually take
up to 20 minutes.

Hope to worship with you at two
services on some forth coming

God Bless.

Jake Aho

Matt said...

thanks Jake!

Alexander said...

We would love to have you,

Yeah I was about to go all the way until my pastor showed me that Lutheranism is the best way to resolve the differences between the two and provides the most assurance.

If you do end up going send me a message on Facebook and I will be on the lookout for you.

Gods peace,


Matt said...

okay, thanks.